Cast 587: North Koreans Love Porn

Jake and Sean press on this week as they have no other restrictions on them and no Beef telling them to wrap it up. What we did learn is that folks will be folks when they have the chance and go crazy for the sexy time. Who knew?

Cast 586: French Maids and Plunder

So we are a victim of scheduling this week so several things happened at once. Sean was out because of work scheduling and Beef and Jake rose the occasion to knock out a cast being the heroes that they are. 

Cast 585: The Meetup

We have a full cast plus guest SP this week to describe what we got up to during the meetup in Indy a few weeks ago. 

Cast 584: We Tackle The Hard Stuff

We are actually on location in Indy this week if everything goes well so we recorded this cast ahead of time. We only do it because we love you, well, you, Ripley, and Sarah Conner. 

Cast 583: Bandicoot

Come children and hear how the bandicoot crashes. We also tackle little men in canoes and plastic surgery. We almost could be accused of staying on topic. I know it could clever ruse and we run off the rails the entire but you’ll have to take that chance!

Cast 582: Listener Letters and Waffle House Update

We have Beef and Rita back this week from their world tour and get right down to business doing some listener letters. Okay, so when I say right down to business I mean after some Waffle House talk and various other things. But after that, we brushed our teeth and it was straight to bed … Read more

Cast 581: Bond Girls

Greetings programs, it’s just Jake and Sean holding down the fort this week and all I can say is thank the sexy heavens for Bond Girls. Also, we actually do get through quite a few news items – well for us anyway. Somewhere between 2 and 100, I’ll let you guess what the number is.

Cast 580: Diddy Going To Jail

Oh yeah guys, Diddy is going to jail is going to stay in jail unless he gets the same dream team level of lawyers that OJ got. Even so, we are pretty sure that dude has seen his last time as a free man. 

Cast 579: Talking to Your Partner About Porn

Sean is out this week and Beef is in charge – may all that’s unholy help us. So this week we have a great chat about slaps to the face and how to talk to your partner about porn amongst a host of other related topics because Beef is here steering the ship as it … Read more

Cast 578: And So We Wander

Beef is not here (out eating bbq) so we found out that Rita is also a member of ramblers anonymous. If you didn’t know, now ya know. 
