Cast 591: Our Last Cast of 2024

As we gather in this special time of year we remember that Diddy is going to jail and there are 4 quarts to a gallon. Also Porn Hub is going to be less relevant as they continue to ban states in general. 

Cast 589: News of Hotness

This week Beef leads us through some news and his new favorite athlete obsession. We find out that the whole step-bro thing really does make a lot of money and then read some dirty talk that really isn’t dirty. Or perhaps we are too dirty for normal dirty talk? I can’t tell.

Cast 588: High Heels

We are all back for the cast this time out and are eager to get into a few topics. We cover a little about a lot: wound care, North Korean porn (again) high heels and waxing. Yeah, we’ll get it done this week. @khakies ya’ll.
