Cast 594: Guest Piper Press

We didn’t know what to expect when guest Piper Press joined the cast today. What we got was a perfect time. Piper turns out to be a mommy with the sexy appeal of a milf, dirty talk, and an astonishingly keen mind. As you might expect Sean and Jake were super into it and a … Read more

Cast 592: Crazy is Not Enough

What does it take to get Sean’s attention? As it turns out that’s pretty simple just be a bit shattered in the brain and he’s in. However we do cover other things in this episode like the Balldo! Yep, not kidding, you won’t believe what you are supposed to do with it and all three … Read more

Cast 591: Our Last Cast of 2024

As we gather in this special time of year we remember that Diddy is going to jail and there are 4 quarts to a gallon. Also Porn Hub is going to be less relevant as they continue to ban states in general. 

Cast 589: News of Hotness

This week Beef leads us through some news and his new favorite athlete obsession. We find out that the whole step-bro thing really does make a lot of money and then read some dirty talk that really isn’t dirty. Or perhaps we are too dirty for normal dirty talk? I can’t tell.

Cast 588: High Heels

We are all back for the cast this time out and are eager to get into a few topics. We cover a little about a lot: wound care, North Korean porn (again) high heels and waxing. Yeah, we’ll get it done this week. @khakies ya’ll.

Cast 587: North Koreans Love Porn

Jake and Sean press on this week as they have no other restrictions on them and no Beef telling them to wrap it up. What we did learn is that folks will be folks when they have the chance and go crazy for the sexy time. Who knew?

Cast 586: French Maids and Plunder

So we are a victim of scheduling this week so several things happened at once. Sean was out because of work scheduling and Beef and Jake rose the occasion to knock out a cast being the heroes that they are. 

Cast 585: The Meetup

We have a full cast plus guest SP this week to describe what we got up to during the meetup in Indy a few weeks ago. 
