Cast 569: Reshoot Vol. 1

Today our friend SP gave us a great gift! We have always wanted a greatest hits show but that would take so much time to put together that it is almost impossible. Enter our friend SP who shouldered the task. For weeks and possibly months he combed through the first ten episodes of Wholesome Addiction … Read more

Cast 567: Guest Dahlia Is Dopey

This week we are joined by one of THE most fun guests we’ve had in a while! Dahlia is Dopey joins us and is incredible from the word go. Not only does she deliver with Beef in their love of horror movies but she is a full-on geek like us! We love her and we … Read more

Cast 566: Learning New Things

Sometimes we forget of the cast that there are folks out there who haven’t been along for the same ride as us for the last 12 years. When we find one they are treasure. Recon Rita describes such a person to us and we are stoked!

Cast 565: Love Songs And Abby Hates The Celtics

I didn’t see some of this coming. We hit the ground running this week with talk of Walton Goggins and the car started to lose traction around love songs and Catlin Clark. By the time we got to Abby’s hate of all things basketball, I think we were way past Tokyo drifting and into a … Read more

Cast 564: Old, Cranky, and Here For It

We are old, except for Abby. We are cranky, except for Abby. We are also here for it this week for a great show, except for Beef who wanted to be elsewhere. Yep, that’s right, we were holding Beef up this time on the show which makes him oh so friendly and happy when he … Read more

Cast 563: Pony Play

I know, I know, it’s hard to believe but we have finally found something that Jake can’t handle – Pony Play. Beef follows up quickly with a hard pass as well and I can’t figure out for the life of me what the two of them are on about. Pony girls are hot, right? Right?

Cast 562: Dirty Talk

This week on the cast we are back with Mother’s Day and dirty talk. Wait that sounded bad, let me try that again, Mother’s Day full stop. Then afterwards we talk about sounding sexy with different accents. Okay, perhaps that sounds better. We also do some letters and we get kudos from a 20-year-old blue-haired … Read more

Cast 561: Beef has 13 Years!

That’s right you guys Beef has been casting for 13 years! We are so proud of him. Our friend Wing was so proud he stopped by the cast to hang out and enjoy the Beefness which makes him our most frequent guest on the show.

Cast 560: Listener Letters

Sometimes I don’t know what to make of the show or how to describe it. But with Abby lobbing Bull Testicles and hidden stripper poles over the plate it gets way easier. 
