We are proud to present our catalog of show content filled with middle-aged men (and occasionally adult industry stars) talking about sexual situations, porn, and the sexy side of life in general. Join us for hours upon hours of the best we’ve been able to put together since our humble beginnings in 2012.
Just a few housekeeping notes: Most shows have outtakes after the outro music so stay tuned for that, show note links can be found in the show posts for each respective cast, going back past cast 60 or so is rough going, you’ve been warned.
Wholesome Addiction: 154
We had a great time on the show this week! We start off by checking…
Wholesome Addiction: 153
We run down the 36 questions designed to make you fall in love in less…
Wholesome Addiction: 152
We bring the content this week with Sex Tips from Cracked.com, I celebrate Family Ties,…
Wholesome Addiction: 151
The last of the V8 interceptors (Mad Max reference there Ya’ll – Get Culture) cast…
Wholesome Addiction: 150
As we journey yet further into the break for the holidays we serve up a…
Wholesome Addiction: 149
This week we begin the start of the Wholesome Addiction holiday season! How does that…
Wholesome Addiction: 148
This week on the show – science bitches! We use math and solve for ‘N’…
Wholesome Addiction: 147 – Guests: Jenny Wenger and Michelle Prenez
This week on the show we are graced with the presence of the very talented…
Wholesome Addiction: 146
Happy Thanksgiving everybody! Why release the cast today? Simply put, because porn makes everything better!…
Wholesome Addiction: 145
This week on cast 145 we address the little blue pill in the room as…
Wholesome Addiction: 144
Should certain types of incest be legal? That is a question that is being considered…
Wholesome Addiction: 143
We catch up on some porn and news this week on the show! In the…
Wholesome Addiction: 142
We talk about asexuality this week on the show – a topic that honestly we…
Wholesome Addiction: 141
This week on Wholesome Addiction we have a ton of sexy news! No, seriously we…
Wholesome Addiction: 140
We take some time to catch up on the listener mail that we’ve been neglecting…
Wholesome Addiction: 139
We stumble through a cast this week as we battle tech issues and a shade…
Wholesome Addiction: 138
Stories of a few folks that turned to being an escort or strippers instead of…
Wholesome Addiction: 137
Sexless marriages; this week we sound off on an article we read recently then generally…
Wholesome Addiction: 136
This week on the show we talk about the celebrity photo leaks and how this…
Wholesome Addiction: 135 – Guest Wing
This week for our feature topic we have an unbelievable interview from our roving reporter…
NOTE: I know there are a ton more shows I need to reload up here with all their respective show notes and I promise they are coming. It’s just a bit of hard labor on this end to get them all reposted correctly. For the few of you that use this site for that, I’ll get every show posted all the way back to show number 001 in the weeks ahead. ~Sean