We are proud to present our catalog of show content filled with middle-aged men (and occasionally adult industry stars) talking about sexual situations, porn, and the sexy side of life in general. Join us for hours upon hours of the best we’ve been able to put together since our humble beginnings in 2012.
Just a few housekeeping notes: Most shows have outtakes after the outro music so stay tuned for that, show note links can be found in the show posts for each respective cast, going back past cast 60 or so is rough going, you’ve been warned.
Cast 533: Kate Mara and 2 Year Old Email
Its a funny thing. The older you get the less direction some things have and…
Cast 532: A Glitch in the Matrix
This week Beef, Jake, and Sean tackle a video Beef found that started off as…
Cast 531: Listener Letters
You didn’t ask for it and we’re gonna give it to you! That’s right you’ve…
Cast 530: Babblecast
In this cast, there is no plan. Or perhaps there was one but we did…
Cast 529: The Rise of AI Love
Greetings programs! This is your friendly reminder that AI loves you. AI will always love…
Cast 528: Beef is Annoyed
Beef is annoyed and we get to see it. It’s a thing to behold and…
Cast 527: What a Beef Wants
What a Beef wants, what a Beef needs, What a Beef wants, what a Beef…
Cast 526: Why Do We Do This?
Beefy, Jake, and that other guy go after an important question. Why do we do…
Cast 525: Tales of Men and Tattoos
In this episode, Abby, Beef, and Sean break down some Tales of Men and then…
Cast 524: The Whole Thing is an Outtake
There really wasn’t any point putting outtakes on this one because I don’t think we…
Cast 523: The Last of the V8 Interceptors
This is the last cast of that single night where four friends sat in front…
Cast 522: Good Smells and Trimming
Okay, we did a show, it was good. We were all there and things happened…
Cast 521: Double Vaginas & Ice Cube Play
So we roll into this cast a fireball of direction and focus with some hard-hitting…
Cast 520: Tales From The Pole
Awww, yeah ya’ll it’s a “Tales From the Pole” type of day on this cast…
Cast 519: Loaded With Guests
We have a few guests on this cast! First, our friend Abby who has been…
Cast 518: Covid & Porn, That’s Why Women are Single?
It sounds funny but the reason why single women are still single is the virus…
Cast 517: Kobe Feet
Beef has a business venture and It’s called Kobe-Feet. Yes, that is not a misprint…
Cast 516: We Read Your Letters
We answer your excellent letters into the show this week and continue afterward with over…
Cast 515: Naked Germans
Greetings programs – We return from Easter, C2E2, and Weddings to bring you a cast!…
Cast 514: Quarters
It’s Beef’s birthday and he is ready to party but before he does he must…
NOTE: I know there are a ton more shows I need to reload up here with all their respective show notes and I promise they are coming. It’s just a bit of hard labor on this end to get them all reposted correctly. For the few of you that use this site for that, I’ll get every show posted all the way back to show number 001 in the weeks ahead. ~Sean