We are proud to present our catalog of show content filled with middle-aged men (and occasionally adult industry stars) talking about sexual situations, porn, and the sexy side of life in general. Join us for hours upon hours of the best we’ve been able to put together since our humble beginnings in 2012.
Just a few housekeeping notes: Most shows have outtakes after the outro music so stay tuned for that, show note links can be found in the show posts for each respective cast, going back past cast 60 or so is rough going, you’ve been warned.
Podcast 494: Its a Show
Greetings programs, This is a show. Honestly, I got a bit turned around while editing…
Podcast 493: Redheads and Tales of Men
This week Beef is back from his travels and has tales of men. Sean is…
Podcast 492: Beef Is Back
Beef returns and we talk about some tales of men, news, and some videos that…
Podcast 491: Jake From State Farm
Behold this, for it is a cast. Is it our best? Nay, but it is…
Podcast 490: Hot News
We are actually out this week but because we love you guys and plan ahead…
Podcast 489: Our Girl Michelle
We are reminded this week that Michelle Jenneke is unbelievable and awesome – still. We…
Podcast 488: Summer Suncare
This week on the show Shannon and Beef compare burns, we check out some news…
Podcast 487: Tight Fit Week
This week Sean makes Beef roll through some tight-fitting videos and Beef isn’t having most…
Podcast 486: Vegans Be Gone
This is an odd one. Beef is on his own for most of the cast…
Podcast 485: Check Your Tags
We realize we are cruising a lot of videos from week to week but seriously…
Podcast 484: She Married What?
Sometimes that right guy just doesn’t come along and sweep you off your feet –…
Podcast 483: Asian Day!
Today wound up being a big shocker when Sean decided to cruise a few of…
Podcast 482: To The Extreme
We have a lot to talk about this week as the recommended videos are a…
Podcast 481: Working That Dolla
Your humble crew jumps on the mic and gets you a cast full of clips,…
Podcast 480: Sex Island
The first thing to know about sex island is… it’s not an island. After that,…
Podcast 479: Guest – Johnny G
This week we talk to author and all-around awesome dude Johnny G about his book…
Podcast 478: News and a Letter
Join us this week as Sean wanders through a cast in a sleep-deprived state and…
Podcast 477: World Gone Crazy
This show was brought to you by your boys and PUFF who basically handed us…
Podcast 476: News and Letters
This week on the show Puff pretty much built the show for us along with…
Podcast 475: Sean Finds Videos
This week on the cast Sean finds some videos for you guys. Yep, that’s it,…
NOTE: I know there are a ton more shows I need to reload up here with all their respective show notes and I promise they are coming. It’s just a bit of hard labor on this end to get them all reposted correctly. For the few of you that use this site for that, I’ll get every show posted all the way back to show number 001 in the weeks ahead. ~Sean