We are proud to present our catalog of show content filled with middle-aged men (and occasionally adult industry stars) talking about sexual situations, porn, and the sexy side of life in general. Join us for hours upon hours of the best we’ve been able to put together since our humble beginnings in 2012.
Just a few housekeeping notes: Most shows have outtakes after the outro music so stay tuned for that, show note links can be found in the show posts for each respective cast, going back past cast 60 or so is rough going, you’ve been warned.
Podcast 393: News and Rants
Podcast 393: It’s a blast from the past this week on the show. We actually…
Podcast 392: Guest Kate Kennedy
Podcast 392: Once in a while, we get to talk to folks that shine for…
Podcast 391: Listener Letters – Don’t Pick On Beef!
Podcast 391: This week we do something we’ve been looking forward to for a while…
Podcast 390: Guest: Lauren Phillips
Podcast 390: We are so lucky and happy to host the completely lovely and talented…
Podcast 389: Guest: Amberly Rothfield 2020 – Pt.2
Podcast 389: Join us as we release the conclusion of the interview with our favorite…
Podcast 388: Guest: Amberly Rothfield 2020 – Pt.1
Podcast 388: Join us as we welcome back our favorite guest to the show! That’s…
Podcast 387: We Love Julia Fox
Podcast 387: Happy late Father’s Day! This cast was recorded on the day of dads…
Podcast 386: Boop!
Podcast 386: Gather around my brothers and sisters and witness what happens when your boys…
Podcast 385: Crew Rants and Listener Letters
Podcast 385: Join us this week as The Operator and Beef go off the rails…
Podcast 384: Guest Rebecca Vanguard
Podcast 384: This week we are releasing the cast a little early as there is…
Podcast 383: The Chastity Beard
Podcast 383: Are you suffering from a serious case of chastity beard? Are you short…
Podcast 382: Our Top 10 Lists
Podcast 382: This week we have our Top 10 Lists from each of us! Some…
Podcast 381: Guest Sera Moon
Podcast 381: Join us this week as the completely lovely Sera Moon stops by the…
Podcast 380: Guest Monica Mars
Podcast 380: This week we have the amazing and talented guest Monica Mars hanging out…
Podcast 379: Sexy News!
Podcast 379: What can I say about this show, it was, in fact, a show….
Podcast 378: Listener Questions
Podcast 378: This week on the show we take some time out to answer some…
Podcast 377: Guest Lexi Luna
Podcast 377: We are joined this week by the stunning Lexi Luna. What’s even more…
Podcast 376: Guest Kimber Haven
Podcast 376: Guest Kimber Haven is on the show! Ya’ll, buckle up and put your…
Podcast 375: The Birth of B’anal
Podcast 375: With the country on hold this week I figured since I already have…
Podcast 374: Corona Virus Cast
Podcast 374: I wanted to start off this cast with ‘It’s the end of the…
NOTE: I know there are a ton more shows I need to reload up here with all their respective show notes and I promise they are coming. It’s just a bit of hard labor on this end to get them all reposted correctly. For the few of you that use this site for that, I’ll get every show posted all the way back to show number 001 in the weeks ahead. ~Sean