We are proud to present our catalog of show content filled with middle-aged men (and occasionally adult industry stars) talking about sexual situations, porn, and the sexy side of life in general. Join us for hours upon hours of the best we’ve been able to put together since our humble beginnings in 2012.
Just a few housekeeping notes: Most shows have outtakes after the outro music so stay tuned for that, show note links can be found in the show posts for each respective cast, going back past cast 60 or so is rough going, you’ve been warned.
Wholesome Addiction: 054
This week we reminisce about girls of the 90’s and play a new listener inspired…
Wholesome Addiction: 053
We’ve all got them – embarrassing sex stories. Those tales we hoped no one would…
Wholesome Addiction: 052
Starting out in BDSM and Kink? Lots of other folks are as well and we…
Wholesome Addiction: 051
This week we pay tribute to the almighty ass and its effects on the human…
Wholesome Addiction: 050
We celebrate our fiftieth podcast with our rollout of the 50 most desirable, sexy, hot…
Wholesome Addiction: 049
Are you a porn hiding ninja? We are. In cast 49 we talk about this…
Wholesome Addiction: 048
This week, the first ever Wholesome Addiction Christmas Special featuring guests Bi and Bi, Plumptious…
Wholesome Addiction: 047
Ever wonder what really goes on in Vegas? Sex, a lot of it. From pros…
Wholesome Addiction: 046
We all love to fantasize about the beautiful people doing porn and what it would…
Wholesome Addiction: 045
Ever faked it? Was it because of porn? That’s our topic this week for cast…
Wholesome Addiction: 044
Right before the walk of shame there’s the wake up and panic. We focus on…
Wholesome Addiction: 043
Video game girls never fail to capture our hearts and attention. We explore that realm…
Wholesome Addiction: 042
The ridiculous nature of porn plots is on our mind this week. How we few…
Wholesome Addiction: 041
We delve into body types, perception and the media in today’s cast. We also wonder…
Wholesome Addiction: 040
‘What does he really mean when he says…’ One sees this kind of thing pop…
Wholesome Addiction: 039
In honor of our friend Nightwing stopping by on the cast we declare this ‘The…
Wholesome Addiction: 038
You really are just like the generations that came before you. Take a look at…
Wholesome Addiction: 037
We revisit Crash and Burn stories this time out with Crash and Burn 2: Epic…
Wholesome Addiction: 036
Our favorite and least favorite sexual positions are on our minds for ‘cast 36. Why…
NOTE: I know there are a ton more shows I need to reload up here with all their respective show notes and I promise they are coming. It’s just a bit of hard labor on this end to get them all reposted correctly. For the few of you that use this site for that, I’ll get every show posted all the way back to show number 001 in the weeks ahead. ~Sean