Wholesome Addiction: 037

We revisit Crash and Burn stories this time out with Crash and Burn 2: Epic Fails. That’s right we’ll take you on a few journeys of what happens when we gets all the signs wrong in very painful ways. We salute our friend Tera’s story of our logo girl Laila. In the erotica segment we check out Day 13 of Trent Evans 30 days of Kink. There’s plenty of drooling going down when The Operator rolls us through uber sexy videos of Scarlett Fay and Jackie Lin in Porn Hotness. We marvel at the concept of a ‘chick in the wall’ in Recomendations of the week, and in news we chat about pumping parties, royal boobs, Danish sex habits, perfectly spaced nipples and car wash sex. Join us for cast 37 of Wholesome Addiction!
