Podcast 349: Stuff and Things

Podcast 349 will go down in history as… a cast – mostly like the other 348 we’ve done. I wrote a long description that was both epic and witty earlier. Then, the upload window of our podcast hosting provider apparently deemed it took too long so the browser timed out and I lost it. I am severely annoyed. It was all like: blah blah, a witty comment, a pithy joke, followed by some content, then a sharp yet insightful social commentary on the times we live in followed by more content.

Then a wickedly enlightened observation about the nature of human sexuality that would have changed all our lives had you heard it. Truly, it would have moved you. I closed up with a warm sentiment of good-natured inclusion that would have brought us a little closer as a people. Seriously we are all less because of the loss. All that to say… F’ing browser session timeouts.

To follow along and check out the show notes they can be found HERE
