Podcasts With Guests

We’ve had some great guests here on the show. We’ve listed them here for you to enjoy!

Wholesome Addiction: 085 – Guest NightWing

Our friend Nightwing joins us once more as we discuss his fetish club experiences in Montreal. We delight in musings of Laura Jayne Martin’s fisting session in our erotica segment. The…

Wholesome Addiction: 081 – Guest Naki

Our friend Naki returns to the show with more “Tales From The Sex Shop” this week. We see a massive return of the news on cast 81 with: Chinese porn,…

Wholesome Addiction: 065 – Guest Naki

We are graced with the arresting intellect of our friend and fellow ‘caster Naki who walks us through some of the situations that occur when working in a sex shop…

Wholesome Addiction: 048

This week, the first ever Wholesome Addiction Christmas Special featuring guests Bi and Bi, Plumptious Pea, and Yes That Tonya! Join us as we celebrate the holiday season with an…

Wholesome Addiction: 039

In honor of our friend Nightwing stopping by on the cast we declare this ‘The French Cast’ and French kissing and all around smoothness is the order of the day….

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NOTE: I know there are a ton more shows I need to reload up here with all their respective show notes and I promise they are coming. It’s just a bit of hard labor on this end to get them all reposted correctly. For the few of you that use this site for that, I’ll get every show posted all the way back to show number 001 in the weeks ahead. ~Sean
