Wholesome Addiction: 239 Tinkerbell https://www.google.com/search?q=tinkerbell+smut&rlz=1C1CHZL_enUS714US714&espv=2&biw=1301&bih=872&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjq497k0e3QAhUI6GMKHTDcCMEQsAQIMA#tbm=isch&q=tinkerbell+xxx Sticky Quicky - Cold blooded and quick on the draw. You just wanna high five her. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixXunMfxkXQ&feature=youtu.be News How much??!?! http://elitedaily.com/news/teen-selling-virginity-offered-millions/1713485/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=fbpost Damn Beef, you get around! (Puff) http://metro.co.uk/2016/12/06/bishop-claims-to-make-mens-penises-larger-by-massaging-them-with-his-hands-6304158/ Sex for everyone! https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/2329060/actress-who-offered-to-perform-sex-act-on-everyone-who-voted-no-in-italian-referendum-launches-tour-of-cities-to-make-good-on-promise/ Ela Darling for State Rep http://m.xbiz.com/news_piece.php?id=215207 You everyone thinks we find weird shit on the interwebs http://www.someecards.com/entertainment/celebrities/jenna-jameson-kkk-grand-wizard-david-duke-twitter-feud/ It just not fair, how come not us?(texas too) http://caseyanthony.com/bad-teachers/alaina-ferguson-couldnt-resist-the-park-bench-sex-with-her-high-school-student/ Bionic Dick! - (Puff) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3998398/I-ve-50-offers-sex-Man-44-fitted-70-000-bionic-penis-says-scores-women-contact-admits-just-tired-anything.html Well they’ve got to fuck SOMEBODY https://www.yahoo.com/news/m/175d5c30-16e3-3edb-beab-6a5193935db6/japan%26%2339%3Bs-sex-problem-is-so.html Listeners questions I love big titties!! Hey guys, first time I\'m writing in. Been listening for about a month and I\'ve been listening to all the episodes in reverse order going back until I reach ep. 1. I\'m currently on 188. I love the cast because I love porn and listening to you guys. You guys are hilarious and I love each of your commentaries. Episode 236. The beginning was hilarious! Listening to poor Beef react to the pussy spreaders made me giggle. Maybe I\'m too used to all the crazy shit I\'ve seen online but I wasn\'t as shocked when I saw the predator links like Operator and Beef were (but I loved you two\'s reactions). I feel you Sean, I\'m into some crazy shit too, not as crazy as you, but I appreciate the crazy fetishes you bring to share with all of us. Now to the question. I remember Beef i think? or one of you saying you didn\'t like big titties that much. Heresy I say. Can you explain why? and who on the cast likes big titties the most.Your thoughts on big titties? I love all titties but I prefer big ones(My preference can go really big like hentai status and thensome), but I\'d still settle down with any chick, it\'s not a dealbreaker, just a preference is all. Here are some of my favorite big tittied women. --Joey Fisher--a new discovery but oh man is she the hottest https://68.media.tumblr.com/05647f9786a281700f76eea20e808d76/tumblr_ofzb7rbPVo1u23umuo2_1280.jpg --Lucy Pinder-- been fapping to her since I was 13. (I\'m 22) https://68.media.tumblr.com/ba49697092babe52c5b5725dd167b37b/tumblr_oe6c723StR1sffkmzo1_1280.jpg --Ruri Saijo-- my favorite porn star. A Japanese woman with a huge rack! http://luxtron8.tumblr.com/post/152825685114/ruri-saijo-slow-motion-fucking-and-bouncing --Angela White-- https://68.media.tumblr.com/2171b89e4abb72ac9343827c71071024/tumblr_ogdgghZhZv1vcotm7o5_1280.jpg --Luna Amor-- http://buxom-beauties.tumblr.com/post/151835138231/alexya There are so many more but I\'ll leave you with these. Thanks and I always look forward to new episodes! ~Big Tiddy Lover --------------------------------- Yeah guys, I have no words. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VScY-j3lKC4&feature=youtu.be ~Ken --------------------------------- Hello Sean this is B-Rad. I been on braided pig tail kick. Specifically braided pig tails. I was wondering if you could send me some links with girls Deepthroating a dick wearing braided pigtails. Some pictures would be cool too. I know this is a strange request to ask, but I need my fix. Only you can save me. Please come to my rescue. Only you can save me?de4f?dffc. Thank you, you rock! Sent from my iPod =================== I would like to hear each of you answer these questions--- Do you now, or have you ever, owned a pair of “Hammer-Pants”? Nia Long or Gabrielle Union? In-N-Out burger or Fatburger? Store-bought or all-natural milk pillows? Indica or Sativa? Astronomy or Astrology? Deal breaker or not: You just started to bang Janet Garcia but you notice she sleeps with her eyes open. Lena Dunham picks you up at a bar and wants to make you her sex slave. When you wake up in her windowless-van dungeon, she gives you a choice get fig-ed or to worship her feet complete with a bad case of brown toe fungus. Which do you choose? Would you rather go down on Bea Author or Estelle Getty? Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw or Slytherin? Who would win in a fight between Dr. Strange and Green Lantern? Tits on a sick, or all ham and no titties? Two girls are hot for you; however, they are both bat-shit crazy. Do you pick the Furry that insists you speak her made up language in bed or the foaming at the mouth Trump supporter? Remember, Conservative chicks give better blowjobs and you won’t have to share a litter-box like with a Furry. Thanks for playing! ~ Nimble Dick Tales of men Taking a knee (Op)