--- Wholesome Addiction: 323 --- https://66.media.tumblr.com/3ad18ae5ea94c6af085140c7975e08cd/tumblr_phr2z13AqO1rbxwr1o1_540.jpg https://66.media.tumblr.com/715d54185b4aa2d5f59de89326aa4e88/tumblr_pc8s3x2L9R1wrbf9oo1_540.jpg Sticky Quicky Dat dress tho http://thechive.com/2018/11/03/tight-dresses-go-hand-in-hand-with-saturday-night/?utm_source=twitter FLBP http://thechive.com/2018/11/12/think-happy-thoughts-think-flbp-thoughts-53-photos/?utm_source=twitter News No. Fuck you. No. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/arkansas-abortion-law-that-will-let-rapists-sue-victims-husbands-second-trimester-a7561066.html Pam has it right https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/pamela-anderson-doesnt-speak-baywatch-alum-bashed-criticizing-metoo-152622067.html Whoops https://people.com/tv/john-stamos-masturbated-fuller-house/amp/?utm_source=fark&utm_medium=website&utm_content=link&ICID=ref_fark&__twitter_impression=true https://blog.onahole.eu/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/PHOTO_20170113_045312-1024x768.jpg https://tse1.explicit.bing.net/th?id=OIP.zrDXwFiuEIkpqHofl3aw_gHaEK&pid=Api https://www.kanojotoys.com/img/wins/piston-magic-onehola-pillow.jpg https://8bitotaku.files.wordpress.com/2013/07/lady-shaped-pillow-covers-3.jpg Huh….well….huh https://twitter.com/BuzzFeedNews/status/1063882716720951296?s=19 This can’t be good https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2018/12/the-sex-recession/573949/ Is it Beef? They’re thinking about Beef aren't they….damn it https://www.vice.com/en_ca/article/59vzvq/what-porn-stars-think-about-during-sex No...uh uh...No...HELL NO https://www.thisisinsider.com/people-trying-to-make-balls-bigger-with-filler-injections-2018-11?utm_content=buffer4fdf6&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer This is why we can’t have nice things http://m.tmz.com/#!2018/11/06/miss-bumbum-contest-winner-fight-fake-butt/ Porn and coffee https://www.yahoo.com/news/pornhub-responds-starbucks-porn-ban-210621110.html Cardi B is in the house https://pagesix.com/2018/11/30/cardi-b-will-be-the-first-female-musical-artist-to-perform-at-the-avn-awards/amp/?__twitter_impression=true Listeners questions Hey, WA Crew. I have a question that maybe you guys can answer. This has been happening for years now in which I'm dead tired and just have enough energy to shower before crashing for the night. And at this point I have zero interest in anything sex related and on nights like those I'll I can think of is sleep. However, Everytime after I shower and get dressed as I lay in bed. I suddenly get an intense erection and have the need to cum - whereas before that need was non existent. Is there a reason biologically, psychology, etc etc why this happens? - YepX ============================ You are a braver man than me Sir! Oh BTW, I shot Alice Funker some cash (100$) and got access to her work. She does not disappoint ; however, there are two vids where all you see is her head and her nodding for like 8 minutes each. Who the fuck ordered that and then had the desire to pay for one more?! Crazy kinks out there dude, I bet her neck hurt like hell. . . Anyways, thanks for introducing me to that beautiful person. ~Pufftentacle =============================== I just got done listening to the latest interview with Casey Carter. First of all, my favorite part of every interview is the point where Sean finally goes a little too far. Casey was right there with him till he got to the eels and it went from “I gotta see that!” to “Oooooo.... you do you.” But the part that got me was when y’all started talking about sex Ed in schools. It clicked in to a conversation I had last week with my 14yo daughter, who happens to be a freshman in high school. She suddenly brought up, with out any prompting from me or her mother, that in Health Class they’d taught her more about how to be safe around drugs and alcohol then they had about how to be safe with sex. That they went into functioning of the various organs of reproduction but that was about it. And, that a little more info would’ve been nice, cause she sure as hell didn’t want to ask me about it. At this point I did the best I could, took a deep breath and said “Kiddo... you just delved into one of the most pressing cultural conversations of our time. Can I assume that there is no pressing need to know right now?” At which point she, who is definitely my child in the social arena, replied, “Oh hell no... I’ve seen my friends try and date and I just don’t have the patience for all that bull shit.” Of course I then went into the statement of “You know your mother and my’s opinion on this, that said, we also know you’re a stubborn little shit who’s going to do what she’s going to do. Please just be honest with us, and when the time comes.... go ask your mother.” What strikes me is that we have a 14yo asking for info that she literally has to dig for to find, or put herself through asking her parents. I know we all have to have “The Talk” with our kids at some point (Sean aught to put his on pay per view) but the availability of CORRECT info is dismally lacking. Jake - From State Farm