--- Wholesome Addiction: 243 --- Intro: got message from someone coming to Texas. Sean Darla Crane: https://www.google.com/search?q=darla+crane&rlz=1C1CHZL_enUS714US714&espv=2&biw=1573&bih=878&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiVxeuzn9fRAhUnwFQKHfNNA7EQ_AUIBygC Sticky Quicky - Michelle, my Belle https://twitter.com/MJenneke93/status/819095998811119616 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTFy0Y0n8ko&feature=youtu.be News $1Million https://twitter.com/Penthouse/status/819012191793745920 Pussy game (Puff) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNKhWaWlDa4&feature=youtu.be Never had teachers like this (Puff) http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/teacher-admitted-near-daily-sex-student-10-years-article-1.2945672 Listeners questions Hey guys, this is Detroit Spartan and I wish you a very safe and Happy New Year. I have been listening to the progressive of love and I want to send a loving congratulations to Op and his soon to be wife. I also have a confession for the entire crew and perhaps Op's woman spoke of this already. I am a fan of the hotness, but I am also a big fan of the friendship and energy you three have together. It is something rare these days and I can picture Sean (in a gimp suit) doing Crom's work, trying to marry Op off, while Beef is having a Wedding Crashers moment and finding out that the girl he fell for at the reception was the same girl that liked bestiality. But honestly, it is a pleasure to hear the love you guys have and a friendship that you see nowadays in movies (I love you Man comes to mind). Ok, I told myself I wouldn't drag this out, but congrats again and don't worry....you will always have someone listening to the cast. =================== Do you guys feel nostalgic over the loss of adult video stores and theaters? I had the day off and my wife was out of town and I though what the hell I check out the only adult store left in town. I mean there are fancy lingerie stores and places to get dildos, but I am talking about the grimy places you would not bring your girlfriend. This store was empty and the owner was so pathetic. He still sold VHS to give you an idea how bad it was: no live entertainment, no video booths/arcades, no private viewing rooms for DVDs you rent. Does any of this ring a bell or am I just too old and perverted? I can remember heading home after a long day of work and watching clips in a booth and rubbing one out, no muss, no fuss. I mean it really is sad that these establishments are vanishing. Watching porn at home is not always an option for people with kids or that live with their folks. I guess dudes can easily get off using hook up apps but that even sounds more complicated and sketchy. Hook up with some skanky person and bring a disease home. Anyways, I miss having that tool for anonymous relaxation in my tool box, the local adult store. There is one left in Seattle that I visit when I am in town. It is by the Pikes Market and for 15$ you get to pic a booth that has a glass wall and on the other side is a real live chick. You can tip her and she will do anything. There is phone there so you can talk dirty to each other. And just 'change the oil' if you have 15 minutes to kill before a meeting, or a date. There used to be several awesome ones downtown in Seattle, all gone. I mean these establishments are a public service and now they are disappearing. Let me know about the status of adult video / theaters in your respective parts of the country. Any stories to share for an impromptu Tales of Men at adult stores? Mike Littorus (get it? . . . 'my clitorus') ======================== Okay guys I've got a question, All the stuff we hear on the show and on the outtakes, do you three ever really fight and go at it? I've got a band I'm playing in and all we seem to do is argue and bicker over schedules, content and who gets what and who is in charge. ~Anon ============================================ My Dearest Beefy Goodness with the Dulcet Tones, New and Improved with Chainmail!! https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/perifit-improve-bladder-control-and-core-strength#/ Sorry for the sucky link but I ran across this recently and freaked out at the fabulousness of the idea. A video game you control with your girl parts!! Forget walking around looking for Pokémon, sit there and strengthen your gal pal canal. Scoring high in the game helps you when you score IRL! Instead of Skyrim, play My Rim. Instead of Fallout, play (so he don't) Fall Out Instead of Doom, play Poon. My fave would be Call of Duty: Intimate Welfare So, if you guys could control a video game with your woodies would you? What would be your game of choice? http://trib.al/Gy3v5Bs An article that I ran across that is super interesting and thought of you since you are a fan of the pussies of the human and feline persuasion. Eeewww, that sounded super weird, eh? It suggests there may be (in the very small population they studied) a link between toxoplasmosis and various kinks. Another link : http://blog.pairade.com/woman-male-sex-doll/5/ (these peeps made the VAGANKLE) The video at the end of the article though... I can't help but think though, of a single mom, and their kid at school one day. Writing a nice little essay at school or drawing a picture of the "naked man mommy keeps locked up in her room that doesn't talk, breathe, or move." Not that I thought about buying one and where I'd hide him, or you know, thought of a name just in case I ever purchased a sexdroid. In all actuality, I'll probably wait until they are heated (cold winter beds suck) and can kill spiders before giving up the "live" far more troublesome version. I included a picture because stupid stuff makes me giggle and this did too. Thanks for the pen name of Miss A. Hopefully, if I can keep sending stuff I can earn a nickname as well. Her Royal Hotness in TX has a nice ring to it. IJS Until next time my favorite sex positive podcast posse. =================== PRETTY SURE I WARNED ERYBODY…. REACTIONS to last weeks vids ---------------------------------------------------------------------- God damn it Sean, you gotta warn a bro when bitchces be puckering on azz-apples. ~InterLeav That shit is living rent free in my spank bank now. Fuckin thanks alot, its threatening a shanking to all the lazy daydreams of lesbians kissing with a forced gaping open ass. I didn't even click on the other one - I CAN'T ~WhatsRufalin (See what I did there?) Sean, just no. ~95Kels Jesus Christ on a crutch dude now that woman licking honey out of an outside asshole is in my brain, I can't lose it either. Wherever I go, there's that bee girl - and that prolapse. ~Mary H. SEEEEEEAAAAAAANNNNN! (Khan style) WTF man? ~James Is this even approaching the limits of what's in your head yet? Tell me this hit bottom?! Please! Lie to me Shaun. ~JJ Fuck me dude, just, stop. I give, I used to think I knew how far people would go. I was wrong, freely admitted. I wasn't even close, can we close pandora's box back up again now? ~Sk0ttE83 Is it just me or does anyone else like the way Trouble says "Nasty" or "Dirty" it's like 10 times dirtier the way she says it? Gratz on that one Op. Truly, well done! ~JusticeBoobies Well you were right there was at least one of us out there who put the "Shit you didn't think you'd be looking at" on repeat last week. That is indeed my kink. A bit past it actually but I'm willing to grow. ~Anon =============================================== ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Tales of men Shannon’s New Toy https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00QBY93VQ/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Doing things in reverse...beef