--- Wholesome Addiction: 266 --- Sticky Quicky -- Stephanie Seymour https://www.google.com/amp/m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_5979e401e4b02a4ebb734cb6/amp https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/8e/51/c3/8e51c3a963c57e9692711f09ec507541.jpg http://media.gettyimages.com/photos/swimsuit-issue-1989-model-stephanie-seymour-is-photographed-for-the-picture-id465769001 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVLIVBBU4AAsHU0.jpg https://cdn-s3.si.com/s3fs-public/images/stephanie-seymour5.jpg News How is this not EVERY day??!? https://www.thesun.co.uk/living/4120111/national-orgasm-day-2017-climaxing-tips/amp/ Okay yeah, but how many could fit in there? http://nypost.com/2017/07/21/pregnant-wife-shoves-chili-peppers-into-mistresss-vagina/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLJ5Al2AyPQ Cooking with semen http://elitedaily.com/envision/food/cooking-class-semen/1665268/ Tales of men Listeners questions =========================== Boys, boys, BOYS! I can't believe the series of tubes that usually brings us all such joy is also responsible for losing my emails! Dammit! As you will be able to tell, these go back a WHILE. It was still cold out when I wrote some of this!! Op, I must have said "congrats" on you & Trouble's engagement like, 5 times. Internet ate it all. So congrats yet again, for the first time. Lol. Anyway, what follows is several emails squished together. I've tried to remove the stuff that no longer has context. Cast 245 Regarding Yanet, you guys said something about eventually she's not going to be hot anymore? I submit to you sirs: Christie Brinkley still looks hot at 63. Just saying. That pee hole thing was fucking scary. Like who ever thought that up?! (This was about "sounding"). Cast 246 I'm with Trouble; Rogue One was meh. I actually nodded off several times watching it. And am I a huge Star Wars fan. Since I was like 8. Regarding the crystal dildos; ok are there crystals IN them? Or are they MADE of the crystals? Like carved? Inquiring minds want to know. And you guys are really going to use the words "vibe", "soak", and "tool" in a discussion about dildos seriously and nobody calls phrasing? "Shard of healing: worst D&D weapon ever" that's hilarious. Sasha Grey is definitely a smart cookie did you guys happen to catch the Nerdist podcast that she did? Sooooo...the WA meetup is gonna be at a strip club? What are your straight female listeners supposed to do? What the fuck is a snoo snoo? (Pretty sure this was about Phoenix Marie) SNU SNU ANSWER: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x598pxa_futurama-season-3-episode-5-amazon-women-in-the-mood_tv Start at 9 mins. Sean & Op: you don't get to make fun of Beef for having a blankie & a cat on his lap. He lives in Wisconsin and you fuckers live in Cali and Texas. It's cold up north goddamn it! Also, Beef, when I wake up and all my cats(4) are on my bed, I laugh to myself and think "hee hee, I'm surrounded by pussy!" Do you do that? Nasty bitches in the old men voices just about killed me. Lmao! Omfg have y'all seen this?!? https://youtu.be/5uDS-SM-65A Holy shit. Lmfao!! Not sure what happened there. THat’s a first. Just stopped. Rebooting now.Rgood Cast 248 (aka the O’hara family cast) OK so first of all, does Shannon have an accent because it's sure seems like she does but I can't place it. Its cool, I just can't place it and it was driving me nuts. So I have to tell you I find it really hilarious that all the stuff that Shannon looks for in her fanfiction is the exact opposite of everything I look for in my fanfiction. The stuff that I read is Supernatural (the show not the general term) and I always skip all the stuff that could be construed as plot. In fact she said she doesn't like fictions that are listed as "porn with plot" and those are my favorite! And the same thing with actual visual porn, I don't care about the story of the connection or anything like that just get to the good stuff! Does all of this make me a dude? Cast 249 Guys it's Ali Wong, not Amy. She is hilarious. Ever see her on @midnight? She's on American Housewife too. Funny, smart, gorgeous. I hate her. Lol. Jk, power to the women! Lipstick glue?! Wow. What an asshole that doctor is. Sean is right, if the seal breaks it would be a disaster. I don't know anyone who would trust such a thing. Diva cups are the way to go, I would imagine. The dog thing is sooooo fucked up. Just get a vibrator like a normal person and leave the cruelty to animals and/or peanut butter out of it. I mean I'm sure the dogs don't give a shit, but as Op so frequently says: whyyyyyyyyyyy????? Ok Sean, you say you understand the milk enema thing, can you please explain it to me?! Because what the actual fuck. And why is the prolapse thing a thing?!? Yikes. That whole "knowing is half the battle, G.I. Joe" thing gave me major flashbacks because my ex-husband used to say that every time I said "well now you know." So thanks for that. ;-) Beef, you must know by now that Sean's google-fu is very strong, grasshopper. Ok, I have a child that eats Froot Loops. How am I supposed to give them to him with a straight face now? I'm with Op & Beef, it is NOT a Froot Loop bubble fountain. Ew. Just ew. DeLuth diaper drawers may actually become a thing. Get a kick starter going! Op, your Sean Connery is pretty spot on! Beef never drinks alone, he always has Cecil. I know I'm not one of the "newer" listeners, but I stumbled across you guys while I was looking for a podcast or something that would read erotica out loud because you can't read dirty stories while you're driving. Well you can, but it's not recommended. "10,000? we could get our own ship for that" yes I got that therefore I am awesome. :-D The whole thing about talking to your favorite porn star is hilarious because I'm pretty sure that only works one way. What would a woman say to a male star she likes? "Hi! I think your huge cock is awesome. Kthxbai!" Lmao So guys in regards to the whole thing about airbrushing and what not in France, I don't think most average women could ever do what you described, which is look at somebody really hot on TV and think "I could do that." And Sean I think it really hit the nail on the head when you said it's just bombardment. Because yes there are hot men, and yes men absolutely have the same problems as far as negative self image and "how can I possibly you know live up to being a Hemsworth or whatever" but the sheer magnitude of the pressure on women I think is way tougher. Also, even in this day and age so many women are taught that their looks are their ONLY value, whereas that's not usually how men are raised. I mean there are some industries directed at men and making their appearance better and what not, but think about the number of products and industries that exist solely because women feel like they need to look better all the time. And I mean think about the whole concept of "dad bod"; there is no equivalent for women. Think about every romantic comedy/sitcom you've ever seen it's always the average or even goofy looking guy gets the gorgeous girl. Can you tell me how many times you see that the other way around? It doesn't happen. And if it does nobody (myself included because I've internalized all this) believes it! Ok, rant over. Thank you both for concluding that you wish things weren't like this. It's nice to hear that coming from guys! Keep up the good work, much love to all of you! SheHasHugeTractsOfLand --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Hey, WA crew I really wanted to say that I enjoyed your banter a couple casts ago regarding Vlad, was disappointed how short the game was though. Still, I'm anxious for Vlad to make a cringe worthy, scary Halloween version. VLAD! , get creative, kinky, and sadistic. If you send it in now, by the time WA crew gets to it, it will be a most "timely" email. Anyway, aside from jabs - I did have a question regarding trying to find a type of porn. I'm trying to find orgasm torture porn, and not the Czech hold vibrator to pussy to orgasm stuff. I mean real tear jerking hardcore stuff - where even after the girl cums, they keep going sometimes for hours until she is a withered husk. ? Not sure if thats out there or not, but if you find it please share on cast/shownotes. Which sparks an idea for a new segment you could add. 'Listener Requests - If a listener requests help finding porn, you summarize the found videos and put them in the show notes.... Anyway, thanks for reading my email in the year 2017. - YepX